Nagappan Sethu
Durapower is a thriving local company that has expanded globally, offering innovative NMC battery solutions. As a supplier, Durapower provides extensive learning opportunities for understanding [...]
Ong Jun Xiang
Durapower has provided me with exceptional growth opportunities through professional development, which focuses on mentorship,coaching, and specialized industry training in marine [...]
Tan Yao Hui
The working environment in my department is extremely supportive and open. Feedback is highly valued without judgment, and every discussion is seen as a learning opportunity. Communication is [...]
Durapower Personal Data Protection Notice
Durapower Personal Data Protection Notice Durapower Group (the “Company”) realizes the significance of personal data protection according to Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (A.D. 2019) [...]
Durapower breaks ground for new Suzhou battery manufacturing factory in China
Singapore, 15 March 2024 Singaporean lithium-ion battery manufacturer, Durapower Holdings Pte Ltd (“Durapower”) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary Suzhou Durapower Technology Co Ltd has [...]
NTU Singapore and Durapower develop cloud-based AI tech for safer and longer-lasting batteries
Singapore, 8 November 2023 Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) and Durapower Technology Singapore Pte Ltd have developed a cloud-based technology that can [...]